Minun elŠmŠni on tyhjŠŠ. My life is empty. Like this. Empty cup. Empty bottle.

You have children. You have money.

I hate my family.

Dont say that.

I came here to challenge my destiny. To hold in my hand the cards of life.

Thats beautyful.

Is it?

Are you ready to go back now?

I think I die here.

Youre drunk.



En mŠ ole kŠnnissŠ. This place isÉ like a dream. You are like a dream. And when I think about my life in Finland it all looks so far away. Like a dream.

Is it a nightmare or a good dream?

Like a story that has ended.

You look so sad.

Tell me your story.

Oh! I have no story. Yet. IÕm just a little girl who came here to make a little money.

Nobody is ĶjustĶ something. WeÕre all special. A waitress is as important and interesting as a boss. Maybe I am a bit drunk. Lets get out of this room. Let me buy you dinner and you tell me your story.


You want to play with me.

NoÉ I dont play. When I came here I decided I dont play. Too dangerous. Dont play with fire. Thats what my grandmother always said.

I like playing with fire.

Everybody does.


You have so beautyful face. So innocent and still so dangerous.


Look at all this bright lights illuminatingÉ what? This place is like a dream. Sometimes I thinkÉ if you would turn out all these lights and be quiet for a while. Close your eyes and open them – there would be nothing left.


How many days to go? How much money? The game will be over soon and I have to go back. I came here to play some cards, take a vacation, and look what has happened. I have played all my money and met the love of my life. What is there to go back to?


Tell me something about Finland.

ItÕs a beautyful place. IÕm thinking about the winter nights. With all the stars and the temperature way way way below zero. I mean really freezing. More than in the freezer. Nothing moves in the forest. Trees are heavy with snow and you hear this cracking sound inside the trees.


There is life but its hidden. And the stars. You can see them so bright in a night like that. And then the summer comes and itÕs like a different planet. You jump in to the lake after the sauna and the sun shines all through the night.


Yes. ItÕs the midnight sun.

IÕd love to see that.

Yes. Me too.


Place your bets.

Dont do it Jorma.

Why not?

He is a professional.

So what. HeÕs bluffing.

Oh Jorma you are losing.

Look at me. Do I look like a loser?


I raise.


This was a hobby for me. It still is but IÕm thinking about turning professional. IÕm thinking about moving here. Not going back to Finland.


I have always been haunted with this feeling of emptyness. That nothing really matters. ItÕs only by table when I get the cards that it all feels like something. That IÕm alive. Back there I think itÕs a sin. A bad think I should never do. IÕve been trying to get rid of it but hey, life is short and I think IÕm just starting to see who I really am. You canÕt really choose who you are. IÕve been trying to be something that IÕm not. Live the life as it should be lived instead of living it as I have to live it. IÕm a player. ThereÕs no fighting against it. IÕm born like that. I can cheat. I can risk. And I enjoy it. This is my true self. This is my true home.


It must be hard to leave everything behind like that.

As the matter of fact I have felt for a longer time that itÕs just something IÕm supposed to do. ItÕs a relief acyually. Destiny.


I dont know what will happen tomorrow. I just live day by day. Nothing is eternal. Everything changes. Is there a God somewhere? I dont know. Am I a sinner? IÕm just this guy playinÕ his own game. I have my pain and I have my joy. Just a drop in the ocean. When I feel depressed I take a walk by the sea. Not to forget but to feel how small I am. It sort of puts things in relation. Whisky makes me feel big and alive. The sea makes me feel small. And the gameÉ it makes me feel alive.


IÕm new in the circles and I like it that way. They dont know my game. IÕm the silent finn you know. I show nothing and I show all. I think that is my game. Well, now I said it.


You know when IÕm with you I feel like IÕm the center of attention. I felt that with my wife too but in a different way. Like she was always expecting something. Blaming me for something. When IÕm with you I feel this inner peace. I mean I dont even know if you are a real person or not but then againÉ I dont know if I am either. And what is real? What is reality?


I feel like I am losing the touch. Losing my mind. Or ratherÉ losing my body.


I have gathered you together from the pieces I have found. Put you together like a puzzle. You are fiction. And now the pieces are falling apart and IÕm afraid what will come behind them. IÕve been moving from lies to lies to lies for so long that IÕm lost. I have these flashes you know. Flashes about terrible accidents that could happen at any moment. ItÕs reality lurking behind this bubble of lies that IÕm in. Ready to pop it at any time.  And that reality is something so bloody, so violent, big and terrible that I cant handle it. It is rotten, angry. Angry at me because I have left it to rot for so long. The reality itself is after me. I cant tell what is true in my life and what is not. Are my emotions that I feel with my children more true thanÉ you. At moments like this I feel like killing myself. Shooting my head. Letting my brain come out on the floor. Taking violently out what is in. Make together the outside and the inside. Peace at last. Harmony. To be conscious equals to being outside. To be disconnected.


IÕm part of nothing. IÕm drifting out in the space.